Honey Dog Nite Light

This is a very adorable looking night lamp The night lamp comes with a small figurine (which doesn't light up,) five post-cards, and two cardboard tags. The night lamp and figurine is made of hard plastic. The lamp is little yellowish in color, while the small figurine is white. The light of the lamp is also yellow and diffusion of light is pleasant. The lamp also has three brightness levels. Lamp seems to be easy to operate as well. In order to turn on the lamp on you have to do the following: 1. Turn on the main power switch at the rear of the night lamp. 2. Touch the power switch on the front 3. The power switch on the front also controls the brightness levels. Touch the switch again to reduce the brightness. The long ears of the dog seem very cute, but they do not light up at the top. This looks most likely a manufacturing material limitation. In order for the top part of the ears to glow they would have to be hollow which would make prone to breaking easily. I would imagine kids would definitely hold the lamp from the ears. The lamp charges with the provided USB cable. Lamp can be used while its being charged, Once the lamp is charged is can be disconnected and used without any cords. There is LED on the back which turns the color from red to green once the battery is fully charged. Things I liked about this lamp 1. The lamp looks very cute and kids would love the design and looks of it. . 2. Ability to control brightness levels is also nice 3. I loved the rechargeable battery and cordless design 4. There are several other goodies included with the product as well. Things you should be aware of 1. The lamp is made of hard plastic, but its not very hard. While it can definitely be fine with some rough handling and being dropped on carpet, but I doubt will survive a fall on hard floor without developing cracks. 2. If you intend to charge this lamp through the wall power socket then you would need to have a power adapter that takes an USB plug.



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